Treat People With Kindness and Be A Better Version of Yourself Every Day
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Treat People With Kindness and Be A Better Version of Yourself Every Day

Treat People With Kindness and Be A Better Version of Yourself Every Day

“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary – the world really would be a better place.” – R.J. Palacio, “Wonder”

As Christmas and the end of our calendar year are approaching, we can be bombarded with invitations, obligations, and expectations. There are rules of behaviours and rituals we follow because our dendrites are strong from the annual habits. The anticipation of everything needing to be perfect on a couple of days each year is known to be a significant stress trigger, and we often fall into competing or trying to keep up with our peers.

As we face the end of 2017, this is an excellent time to reflect, and also to start our own personal journey to be a better version of ourselves. I started this at the start of November when I bought a pin and a Tote bag with the mantra Treat People With Kindness. By carrying around and wearing this mantra every day, it has become a positive trigger to remember, and so I act on it daily.

Treating people with kindness costs nothing but you can make someone’s day, and you can empower them to feel appreciated, cared for, and needed. You can inspire an individual to make a change, and be the best version of themselves. The act of kindness will also boost your oxytocin as well as boosting the receiver of the kindness.

How can you Treat People With Kindness Today and this season?

Pay Someone A Compliment – If you think a peer, a friend, family member, or someone you encounter during your day has done something well, praise them. If you receive excellent customer service, tell the individual and pass it on to their manager. You have the power to make someone’s day.

Telling someone they are in your thoughts with a special note or card, or flowers, a gift, or a phone call – preparing for Christmas, or trying to avoid Christmas can be a very difficult time for many people who have suffered loss, had issues within the family, lost a job, have financial issues, or suffering from a mental or physical illness. By letting the person know you are thinking of them shows you acknowledge they have their private struggles and you care. A token of kindness could be appreciated for a few moments, a day, or be life-changing.

Pass It On – If you have found a book, podcast, website, movie or song has had a positive influence on you then pass it on to someone else. Let others share in the experience and be motivated and inspired as well.

Be inclusive – be thoughtful of people who may have a disability or health issues, or a different religion or culture when you make plans. Be kind and patient and ask how you can make an experience more enjoyable and inclusive.

Offer To Help “How can I help you?” or “I’ll do that for you” are two very positive ways to treat people with kindness, and make someone’s day. We can offer to sweep up leaves or clear snow or defrost a car while we do our own chores. It may give a harassed mum dealing with a crying toddler that extra five minutes to arrive at work on time. It may save your neighbour from being in pain from arthritis.

And finally Treat Yourself With Kindness – Remember your positive Self Talk, and be easier on yourself especially when you are inundated with obligations and a desire to be your best. It’s ok to say no. It’s ok not to like something. It’s ok to ask for help from other people. Take the time this month to provide yourself with self care. Consider what YOU need so that you can feel your best, and ensure you assign yourself that quality time, and the process to feel good about yourself.

By maintaining the attitude to Treat People With Kindness we can behave with cooperation instead of competition, we can share instead of hoard, actively give instead of working on what we can “get”, and we will be a better version of ourselves with every act strengthening our dendrites and positive habits. And in turn, we help to make our world a better place to live.

*You can buy Treat People With Kindness pins and badges from various online stores. The above one is available on Zazzle and Etsy.